
Does something random ever just pop into your head? Just a random thought, maybe? And sometimes, when one of these random thoughts that pop do as they do… pop, do they ever catch your attention a little? Sometimes some of these poppers aren’t half bad. Every great idea has to come from somewhere, right?

I’ve been having a rough go as of late. I’m fine. It’s fine. Everything is fine. That’s a meme I think. Maybe the dog with that hat and the room is on fire? Maybe? Anyways… I’ve been spiralling mentally as of late. Having a job interview this afternoon, I took today to half ass unplug.

After my interview I did a quick trip out of town to run an errand for my dad. It works out to be a two hour drive time. No texting and driving. Just me, Cora the Corolla, the open road, my Spotify playlist blasting through my shitty speakers. Driving with the music up is my free therapy. I cry a lot in my car. That’s sad, I know. Sometimes a girl has to bawl through a little mayday parade to work through her feelings… and then maybe find 1/2 a joint in her car and stop to mellow out and then be built back up with some new foo fighters… followed by a little WAP to empower her and obviously she has to bring it home by belting out the lyrics to an All Time Low song that’s so old she bought it on CD at HMV in the mall… when it first came out.

I spent the evening with my housemate. We’re both dealing with breakups, hers more recent than mine. She made an incredible dinner, I had a weed gummy while she drank wine, and we binge watched Netflix. Realizing my phone had died brought a feeling of relief and then a sick like feeling when it powered back up.

As I lay in my bed, ridiculously high for a Thursday night, one of these thoughts that pop happened to pop. If Bridget Jones was Canadian and was living out her thirties in 2021 it would look a heck of a lot like my current existence. I have a roommate but who can afford to live solo in this market? I don’t drink wine and I do like my weed, which is legal now so 2021 Canadian upgrade. I, however, am single and in my thirties, make terrible choices with men, have some solid friends, am a little chubby but cute, and am so unapologetically me. I’m dating, or trying too, in a pandemic. I’m job hunting. My mental health combined with the crazy that tends to find me has created what I’d like to think is a decent sense of humour.

I had wanted to use my vibe to round off my day of self care…. but my cat curled up on top of me and I didn’t want to move her sweet little face. I am in a place in my life where the comfort of my cat takes priority over my sexual needs. I used to blog, what seemed like a life time ago. A friend recently encouraged me to jump back into it. So, thanks to thoughts that pop and cat lady life, we’re taking a chance and putting it out there.

Here we go…